VS Saxton Hale: VScript FAQ
Q: What is this?
A: This is the recreation of VS Saxton Hale on VScript made by the original creator of VSH.
We’re striving to submit it to Valve in hopes to be added to TF2 officially this Halloween.
Q: Why things look so rough around the edges?
A: We’re very work-in-progress: we use placeholder assets and the mechanics are subject to change. Expect things to come together this summer, closer to Halloween.
Q: Where’s Hale’s Rage?
A: We’re running an experiment of replacing Rage with a different kind of abilities.
Based on the feedback and observations, we might revert the ability changes.
Q: How do I leave feedback?
A: We’re planning on making a system where you could leave feedback from in-game chat. Currently, the best place to leave feedback is our Discord: https://discord.gg/9h777Ts34r.
Q: Are there any other bosses planned?
A: No. Not planned. We don’t think [REDACTED]gineer will fit Casual TF2.
Q: Who’s the creator of VSH?
A: LizardOfOz, formerly known as DrEggman. Hi, it’s also me who’s typing this FAQ.
Q: Is there a queue to become Hale?
A: No. Hale is chosen at random independently from the previous rounds.
As much as we’d like to have a queue, Casual has no way of running one.
This might change in the future.
Q: Can I opt-out from playing Hale?
A: Not currently. You can killbind for now – a proper way of opting out will come in the future.
Q: Why has the voice of Hale been changed?
A: We couldn’t obtain the permission to use the voice you hear in the VSH Plugin.
Credits for the new voice lines go to MegapiemanPHD.
Q: What weapons have been changed?
A: We want to have as little changes as possible, since it wouldn’t work in Casual.
Muddy – Tiny Rock (the map itself)
LizardOfOz – the original VSH Plugin, VSH VScript recreation, promotional material.
Maxxy – Saxton Hale’s model imitating Jungle Inferno SFM, custom animations, promotional material.
Velly – VFX, animations scripting, technical assistance.
JPRAS – Mayann Hale body reference, model feedback.
MegapiemanPHD – Voice of Saxton Hale and Gray Mann.
Yakibomb – give_tf_weapon script[tf2maps.net] (used for Hale’s first-person hands model).