New Saxton Hale Mode (VScripts)

VS Saxton Hale: VScript Recreation by the creator of the original VSH Plugin has arrived!
New Hale abilities! New (and old) maps! More streamlined balance changes! And more!
We’re striving to submit it to Valve in hopes to be added to TF2 officially this Halloween.
We’ve opened a bunch of servers where YOU can join and play this Recreation yourself!
This is an early alpha though, expect things to be rough around the edges for a month or two.
We are looking for testers who can give us valuable feedback on our [Discord server] to improve VSH, or just normal players looking for having fun.
Join our servers:
Join our Discord:
Frequently Asked Questions:
(In actuality it’s the questions we anticipate you to have)
If you’re a mapper, you can make your own VSH-VScript map by downloading all resources needed:
(Please note that crediting is required)
We run 3 never seen before maps:
vsh_actionstar (a new currently in development map by the VSH creator)
As well as some timeless classic:
The map list will be expanded in the following days.
Have fun on our servers and happy brawling 🙂
Muddy – Tiny Rock (the map itself)
LizardOfOz – the original VSH Plugin, VSH VScript recreation, promotional material.
Maxxy – Saxton Hale’s model imitating Jungle Inferno SFM, custom animations, promotional material.
Velly – VFX, animations scripting, technical assistance.
JPRAS – Mayann Hale body reference, model feedback.
MegapiemanPHD – Voice of Saxton Hale and Gray Mann.
Yakibomb – give_tf_weapon script[tf2maps.net] (used for Hale’s first-person hands model).
Hello everyone! We at longrange.tf have opened our first Zombie Escape server!
Server EU:
What is Zombie Escape? It’s a community gamemode where you have to reach the end of the level while trying to survive a zombie infestation. Should you die, you’ll join the Zombie Horde.
Our map roster is based on your favourite Counter-Strike: Source Zombie Escape maps. Our starting roster is:
And we plan to add more in the future, stay tuned!
Special thanks to Sir Jay for his help with the plugin.
Join our Discord: